Sunday, January 11, 2009

Far off Dream........

I wonder when I will have time to sit down and read a book, or paint my nails, or do something without being interrupted. It is 7:46 and I just got three kids into bed. My oldest is still up, and he is reading, so I don't have to worry about him for the next 10 minutes. Soon I will bring him upstairs, get him ready, and he will go to sleep. Then I might come back down, try to watch TV, or read, but I will only last a few minutes before I fall asleep on the couch.

I would like to go on vacation, without kids. I wonder how many years it will be before that will happen? At this point, I would be happy just to go somewhere where I can relax, and spend an entire day our two without cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, paying bills, taking a kid to the bathroom, and refereeing over toys. Instead I would like to spend my day swimming in a heated swimming pool, eating in a fancy restaurant, going to the spa, playing tennis, reading a book by the water, or laying on a beach. Oh yeah, and my husband can come too.

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